Mark-adamus Predictions through end of Yr...

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Yall May Now Address me as Mark-adamous
You may resume your peasant Duties...
For now...
In the Next Two Months... though...
Archa ( Currently at .000000001424 )
Will consume Not 1 but at Least 2 Zeros...
Rising around .000000238
Shib ( Currently at .0000768 )
Will eat another and Move Half way up the next level...
Ok seriously around 3 ish solid... then starting to edge up towards 5 next scale or around .0003 ish... ๐Ÿ™‚
Saitama ( Currently at .00000006736 )
Will eat a zero to around .00000083 by Wallet release time and then rise up to eat another one. By Dec 1st...
I figure around 20 Points give or take eating Two Zeros...
Gonna be the Best mover over the immediate short term...
Watch as we rise up in four weeks to around...
Kinda Ballsy I might add for me to predict not one but three...
Ok Saitama You do the math times how many coins ya got then thank me later... ๐Ÿ™‚
And I got more great news ...
Soon... ๐Ÿ™‚

May be an image of 4 people and text

Hahahahahahaha Lets see how close I can get... ๐Ÿ™‚


Here I go Again...



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