Coin Base Exchange and free money you can make easy...


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  • Admin


If you dont have one use my link we both get 10 bucks free in bit coin...

Anyhow you set up your banking and You can run this app on a computer like a website or your phone as an app...

You link your bank and Pay pal accounts as payment methods and

You confirm the Bank account and import starting immediately something from your bank over since the first transaction results in a seven day lock down you can buy and trade within the exchange only COINBASE website ...

You can Buy Shib or USDC even USDC is stable it is the US Dollar and will not be subject to market rises or falls ...Your money remains exactly the same...

Or you can purchase shib Ethereum or Bitcoin whatever they trade on their platform...



Here I go Again...


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  • Mark changed the title to Coin Base Exchange and free money you can make easy...
  • Admin
Check your coin base free money you should be able to take a class and earn 200,000 shiba or whatever you want to convert it to...
Plus Cartesi is a great coin also along with REN...

Here I go Again...


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