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Posts posted by Mark

  1. Now we cover impermanent loss... in detail a bit better...
    You created pairs for Liquidity we discussed how we put in 1000 and 153 was Bones tokens and the ETH was .24 of ETH
    Total value of 1000 maintained...
    When the Bone shoots up to 10 bucks a pop you will say I wish I could pull out from staking and sell half for the money and buy more on the next dip...
    Well we arent making our money off the rises and dips anymore here at least Im not concerned why and here is why to me its not a big deal...
    Your gonna love this one...
    If you dont sell you dont loose...LOL
    Seriously I mean it like this we needed the 1000 so we could earn almost 10 a day per 1000 invested...
    If we wanted to hold Bones until it moons and earn those rewards well your making bones by farming them in the liquidity pools...
    This doesnt require anything your computer mining or anything else ...its built into the exchange and the platform...
    Basically in English you provide the money in cash the bank hands to a customer at the end of the day the bank looks and says we owe this account this much in transactions and USD and ETH and Bones and what not but our main rewards in this case is the actual bones...
    Two routes you can go right here...
    The first is just hold your rewards and use them to sell hold or whatever or roll it back in to start compounding your gains
    and earning more and more each week or month or whatever time frame you decide...
    get Bday 500 drop it in on half or none all on you...
    So when you go to cash out of liquidity your saying Im no longer happy with these gains and they will and do change so we will watch
    but to create the pool and get in cost a little bit not tons and with fees expected to be reduced so they arent killing the smaller folks like us...
    its a good thing to have even if you cash out the liquidity contract remains in tack for you and you can add right back in any time...
    So this happens and you decide you want to move to the BTC ETH Pool...
    You can withdraw your initial investment of 1000 and you get it, but if Bone is now 10 a token you still get 500 in value back
    but your token count went from 153 to 50 (STILL WORTH 1000) but you then will get the current market rate of ETH also but you just are moving it so it shouldnt really matter and because your putting it back into a pool at 1000 per whatever returns you really didnt loose anything...

    Even though it was 100 bones the value really remained the same... and if you always plan to use that pool it doesnt matter anyway...

  2. Now when you create the pair you have paid for a contract between you and the exchange first step its like
    2-3 bucks but again pay attention and try to buy in cheap...
    Next you will add Liquidity to that pair...
    Its pretty easy and we can teach you of your confused what steps and how to watch as you do certain things
    like setting up a wallet where to buy your ETH and tokens how to swap how to stake and how to provide Liquidity pools...
    What you do is get how many Bones or BTC or whatever your doing and the = amount of ETH to wrap it with...
    Basically the US dollar used to be Gold backed...
    That meant for every US dollar Bill prointed Fort Knox was supposed to be holding that much in gold to cover if the marker was requested to be paid off in gold...
    Etherium or Bitcoin are wrapped with another token and the BTC or ETH is the gold behind the paper Shib or Bones or whatever you holding...
    Its just guaranteed to be there as cash confirmed...
    You select deposit for example max Bones 500 Value say you have at 3.25 each thats 153 Bones Great
    doesnt matter anyway we just care about the 500 value as I mentioned a lot...
    Then .24 ETH say = 500 you select add to liquidity pool or deposit... you have a contract providing the agreements
    you will receive back that 1000 and you will earn whatever the APR and APY rates for the duration you stay in Liquidity there...
    Your 1000 value if you pulled out and sold would still be the same 1000
  3. First thing how big and how much would like to be earning...
    To give you perspective 1000 to 10000 here is what your looking at...
    Basically we will use two Bitcoin (BTC) with Ethereum (ETH) Mix...
    We want to create a liquidity Pair they have them already you want to get your money in...
    You are going to pair ETH with BTC and for the value of 1000 dollars you will get 500 worth of ETH at todays value (Stay Focused on the 500 bucks not the coin token amount its irrelevant for our purpose here...
    Now you will pair that with BTC at a value of 500 bucks even if its a .00001 BTC token makes no difference we need the value of 500 bucks now we have a pair of BTC with ETH valued at 1000 bucks...
    If you did Bones wrapped with ETH you are doing the exact same thing 500 of ETH and 500 of Bones...for again 1000 total value...
    Now you can earn 2.96 Bones a day per 1000 the bones are trading at roughly 3.25 and are fairly stable since it is the bedrock token for the shiba swap site...
    So basically your earning all most 10 bucks a day per 1000 invested...
    30 days a month average = 300 bucks returns...
    Have you made that lately holding tokens?
    In this the worlds biggest drought in crypto history I still managed to earn 3000 bucks off 8000 in three weeks
    I did get higher than usual gains at 10X for the two weeks entry period to generate
    Liquidity for the exchange to be able to function and Shibs are still worth their value...
    It makes no difference if the price rises or falls you are locked in to APR APY rates and not based on the amount of the current value...
  4. 2) Over 1000 bucks under 10,000 Long hold but earning dividends would be nice?
    2A) So your comfortable taking a higher risk and would just like to see income begin to actually work.
    You can select a Coin or few and do Like I said above invest in as many of few different coins or you can start Staking or Providing Liquidity to the pools ...
    For now since it the next logical step up...
    We will cover Staking ...
    Staking means you hold 500,000 coins or something We are at the 1000 mark...
    You decide its all in for one type of earning but if this ever Moons you want to be able to access those funds and also if the value increases 200% you want to be able to claim that of sell them...
    When you dont have to pay for the Staking you earn the same with other coins in a new Term Called Reflections...
    Reflections happen like this on all transactions Buying or selling coins 2% usually is taken from each transaction then given to all the wallet holders that are current according to the percentage of the main pool so everyone shares according to their investment size...
    These coins are free as a bonus for Hodling to coins instead of selling
    You literally will see free coins going into your
    So this is where you are on a swap site and you have a crypto wallet Usually on a mobile device like your phone...
    I guess you probably can use apple devices also...
    But instead of just holding you say well I dont mind if the platform uses my Coin tokens to make transactions faster and earn me some rewards...
    Keep in mind transaction fees add up.
    You add to the Staking pool and usually earn small amounts, however its better than simply holding and you are at no risk more than holding the coins already.
    to give you a bit of perspective I was staking Shiba but pulled it back out do to such low rewards even in a 10X event...
    it was not worth the ten bucks to get them staked and then the 5-7 to withdraw when only earning 1.5 bones a week approx 7 bucks...yea for yrs maybe...
    But staking earns minimal rewards at best...
    So choose wisely but you can pull them out in minutes and be selling or whatever moving them so you dont risk as much possible losses...
    I will cover Liquidity pool in the last section now.
    3)Higher risk but earning more than the stock does?
    3A) This is where the Warriors enter Battle and started seeing better things and days.
    You are constantly checking Tickers...
    You want to see Lambo in driveway...
    But for months you watch as we bleed down in value and seem to almost trade sideways...
    most bleeding down less than the week before but not at any alarming rate then every once in a while a tick up and were all happy again...
    For the Dip as they like to call it is when most say BUY and HODL...more
    Thats pumping it back up...
    Here is a different approach that if you follow along You will see why I simply dont even listen to impermanent loss...
    Impermanent loss is when you create a Liquidity Pool and place your tokens into the Pool or viable liquid assets You are letting the Exchange use your money but instead of proof of work or whatever you are providing fluid funding the rewards are usually four times or more greater...
    Some run on flat percentage rates like 6% APR...
    We want APY...
    APR annual Percentage Rate...
    APY Annual Percentage for the Yr based on Revolving it back in to grow and this is known as creating a Passive or residual income that once started continues tto pride the same returns.
    APY is in effect Compounding interest...
    Compounding Interest is exactly why credit cards never seem to get paid off and to pay them off you have to really double down the payments to make a serious dent...
    The card does it like this 28% APR monthly
    So you borrow 2000 grand you have to now pay back 2056 by the end of that month whatever the balance is at the end of the month then gets hit with another 28% for next months payment and so on...
    This is what we are looking at over APR...
  5. Now... We have too figure why type of investor are you going to be...
    and what you expect and would like to earn.
    First are you looking to invest 100 bucks and earn Millions? Like Doge ?
    Do you want to Hold long term and forget it check back in five yrs to see your Lambo?
    Do you want to just invest on Coins that can Moon...
    (Take off)
    Do you want to earn a set amount over a period of time despite what the markets do in gains and losses?
    Are you investing like as follows...
    1)Under 1000 bucks Long Hold
    2) Over 1000 bucks under 10,000 Long hold but earning dividends would be nice?
    3)Higher risk but earning more than the stock does?
    That all makes a difference
    I will add an A to the Appropriate Number so you can see the breakdown
    I would suggest under those same situations listed.
    1)Under 1000 bucks Long Hold
    1A) If you want to simply buy something not fool around with it and hope it takes off to the moon at some point in five yrs...
    I would suggest this approach over any other...
    Since its tricky to DYOR Do your Own Research...
    Another term is LYI Learn your investor
    Like when you sign up for coinbase pro and validate your identity...
    Here is what I would do and the approach I would take and Why...
    When people jump in most times the price of the coin has moved so much the later you get in the less the major returns...
    If for example you buy some bit coin your not getting many coins your getting a percentage of a coin Thats fine...
    When it goes up 10% so does your investment 1000 becomes 1100...and so on same with loss...
    And we all have been steady bleeding lately...
    If you got into Doge at say 10 cents each token...
    You paid out 1000 bucks and had 10,000 coins when it jumps to 70 cents you made a nice little hit of a total value off your 1000 to now... 6000 bucks...
    Not bad but did you buy 1000 or 100 ?
    If you will look and think like this it will make some sense to you if you stop and simply think...
    When a coin value is less than the decimal point like for example 5 Zeros...
    So .0000063 Like Shiba is riding at currently...
    If you buy 1000 worth of coins..
    You would have 158,730,158 thats a lot of coins...
    if the value rises to 8.3 You would have earned off 1000 bucks a total value of 1317 for each point like from 6.3 to 7.3 to 8.3 you will see the same amounts of profits incrementally...
    Now if it burns that zero instead of making approx 150 per point rise your now making thousands or more accurately
    1500 a point from say .00001 to .00002 You just made 1500
    Now if you have a Billion coins it is also like removing a zero and now your earning 15K for each point once it jumped or the next time out thousand burns that zero and becomes .0001
    Thats a lot of value added to a moon set coin.
    Better than jumping into coins that will yield less than those type of numbers...
    Does it mean its a bad investment, if you earn more than I would say 10% your on the way...
    Im earning .1% and doing just fine...but Im doing it different than this.
    Remember when you remove the cash you pay capital Gains Tax which will be See Capital Gains Educational read...
    so even at 10% profit your bringing home only 57% or your total Value
    Since your doing this for yourself its up to you...
    I prefer to pick ten coins and invest 100 each than 1 coin and go all in you have 10 Times the chance to see something start moving and you can always swap them over and add to them using swap or convert inside the wallets...
  6. First a few Definitions of basic Crypto Lingo or language...
    FOMO =
    Fear of Missing Out.
    FUD or Fodder =
    Fake lies to create dissension and division and doubt. (Sometimes The Psychological aspect of investing plays all these parts as you are reading)...
    HODL =
    Hold On For Dear Life... 🙂
    Bitcoin also is a Block Chain and has a token.
    Ethereum is a Block Chain that is more efficient when it comes to Mining or completing transaction per say...
    Shibarium in under construction It also will be a Block Chain of its own. Using Shib as base coin for small fees...
    Coin is designed to remain around a .01 amount at some point in the future for that to happen your talking 4 times the Global GDP
    Stranger things happen.
    Liquidity pair is an investment to help Exchanges like Shiba Swap or coinbase pro such as those...
    Only Shiba is owned by the investors and not a private company so you can earn higher rewards
    Staking Sitting your coins in a locker that you can access at any time but pays 1/4 th or less in rewards compared to Digging
    Providing Liquidity Pools and
    Impermanent loss I will explain this later...
    Shill = Promoting
    Thats a good foundation to at least start the ball rolling...
  7. Ok my crazy Followers and fellow investors...
    I promised and here it is all about the Zeros and how it works...
    I also would like to point out many investors and mostly new investors believe that investing in Doge is a good thing...
    I never have... They also believe investing in Bitcoin is grand ...its not...
    What most investors dont quite get is your paying a high price for minimal shares where if you understand this chart and the guide I just wrote you will see the real gains are from the right of the decimal point...
    Here Ill explain a tad then let you at the doc which Im attaching now I did ask a friend of mine to add in a tally calculator...
    So we can take the current market price and enter an amount of coins and it will show you usd value...
    But all you have to do is take the shares and multiply time the current price but she will add it in yes I can build a spread sheet but im clueless on calculations performed inside the excel workbook...
    I excel in other areas...
    Ok so a coin starts at 12 zeros you will see my chart starts at 10 zeros down...
    Same idea down the line...
    However if you put 1 dollar in by he time that coin hits 1 dollar you would have 12 million dollars sitting there like hey wanna spend me?
    The largest gains of a coin are not from 001 to 1 dollar thats not really a lot and the volume the coin has to have trading is huge...
    When a coin is brand new it will eat three zeros before even being a blip on the radar...
    When you are at 9 zeros you are at the 1600% range when its at 8 zeros your in the 16000% range or so...lose numbers idea remains the same...
    So the largest and fastest gains are right where Ole mark has targeted hitting 1 million in profits at 5 zeros or so thats possible in a yr with every single coin so if you want to dump in 5 grand into Doge and wait five yrs for it to reaxch a dollar and only increase 400% feel free and good luck you dont even need to look at a ticker for that...
    You wanna make money learn what I put in this chart and follow some gut instincts and relax and watch it roll when you can buy trillions for thousands instead of hundreds of thousands you can make some good money even on bad coins...
    See spread sheet and enjoy...
    Im making you rich if you all pay attention and hacking was what I used to do I still apply how I think to everything and I analyze constantly looking for ways to exploit a system and this my friends is it... but you dont have to believe me Just watch me then kick your own ass for sitting bye and watching while I make millions and sooner than later...
    Mark My words or my name isnt really Mark...but yes it is... 🙂 LOL
    I know im crazy but you all like me for some reason and cant be for my literary skills...I can say that...
    Since I cant write formulas at least you dont have to worry about hidden the excel its perfectly clean text file for now Ill add the calculator later... and then you can grab it if you want or not...

    Guide to Buying and Pricing Cryptos.xlsx

    Guide to Buying and Pricing Cryptos.jpg

  8. When the developers or someone in the admin with the keys to the safe sells all the reserve coins and tanks the ever loving shit outta the coin...
    Two things happen when this occurs...
    The price drops in less than 1 minute straight down to ZERO....
    Now the community could forge together and start buying more and build it back up...
    However I would strongly suggest you mosey on down the road and knock off the dust...chalk it up to the game of life as they say...
    Now I mention almost every single coin created must eat at least 4 zeros...
    Well that means in English...
    If I take 10,000 and insert it into a coin at any value...
    You divide the number your investing into tenths... 1000 means 100 a point up or down...
    Ten Points doesnt mean eating a zero...
    In fact Ill show you that eating a Zero while Emotional at best is really just any old other day for any coin as it comes from 12 million percent down from a dollar at 11 zeroz 1
    .000000000001 🙂 Yea That...
    You put in 1000 it eats a zero you add one...
    1000 - 10,000
    Now each step on the way up is 1000 a point up or down...
    But for example you buy in at .00000008 well for you to start earning ten times your original investment I bet you can tell me how many points up it will have to increase...
    .0000008 Then you would be looking at and 10,000
    If you bought in at 9 at any zero in front of that number range makes no difference...
    when it eats that zero thats a point up... its only a point for you until you hit 10...then they become 100 each point and now the game is changing gears....
    If you started off with 10,000 instead of 1000 look at the difference this is why the more you can invest the better you will earn but remember risk factor it in somehow somewhere you cant just be reckless...
    When it eats the first zero it will be worth ten times what it was originally... and that is correct your 10 gs became 20 gs...
    when it goes up ten more points and eats another zero well then its worth 200 Grand...
    Third Zero its now worth 2 Mil... Yes 2 Mil
    4th well you get the idea... 20 Mil...
    Thats why we start on the end where the coins are the cheapest...
    the growth is accelerated...Drastically... Like I dont understand why others dont tell other people like Im doing...
    I figure every coin will at least make three zero drops before being rugged or maybe even 4... because they see the money increasing also...and get this...
    I mean we are talking billions and trillions of dollars now...
    So you get a coin set up piggy back onto a blockchain...
    Then investors stumble on your site...
    The new investors start buying shares of the coin...
    The value increases more people buy in soon you eat a zero...
    now it cost twice as much as it did for the same amount of coins...
    Pay Attention and read that again...
    Next thing you sell say 1/4th of the value using your own coins...
    You set up multiple wallets I mean you can have like 10 or 11 I havent finished that research yet didnt seem as important as actually making money first
    So now you have ten wallets or 11 lol
    and you share the exact same amount into each wallet...or various amounts to blend and become just bits of data...sounds more logical right...
    You then are in effect pulling out liquid and selling your coins and draining the coin for everything its worth but you can do this stage for months and yrs if need be with your fake wallets you can also set up accounts and buy in with some then sell and even earn some...
    In the end you sell all your coins tank the stock and walk out...
    In a higher than normal coin like charizard not well known hell its too new...12 days... so its very very high risk in my opinion...
    But also worht it for me at this point since I already pulled out 15,500 and I would only loose about 4 grand however the gains in this one time are huge why not...
    This is mostly profit money so I hope you guys build up like this and repeat this...
    The Pump and Dump...
    This one can be either of the previous ones or a brand new item...who knows...
    Wht a large investor does...when you see you csan actually affect the price make a real change in the value f the coin...
    Market manipulation is what I mean a few guys all with a couple million laying around...
    Say hey man lets all buy shiba hell there are 690,000 wallet trades from 6-9 all the time...
    Next thing you know Bam a 10 million dollar hit calls for all those coins and the trolls start roaming free...
    Now they are saying Buy Buy Buy something major is happening we dont know what it is yet, and were not quite sure of anything to be perfectly honest...
    The price surges from the buy then people see it and FOMO sets in thats Fear of Missing Out...
    Everybody runs to jump on a rising ship...and because its such a large group takes a while for word so the price gains for hours leading to a false sense of accomplishment...
    Then Bam again they selll at the exact same time and send the stock crashing back down then settling a little lower because some sold out at the high had some of you rode it from 6-9 with 6000 invested at any time in fact on any coin and time... if you think it will rise more than 3 points... 🙂
  9. Keep this in mind..
    When eating Zeros... 🙂
    .May be a cartoon of 1 person and text that says '0000000 EATING THE ZEROS'
    At least its something I think happens not too sure but kinda makes some sense...
    Eating a Zero means the coin goes all the way up from 1-10 when it hits the 10 the value of the initial investment is ten times the original investment so if you dropped in 1000 its now worth 10,000
    As soon as you see the zero be consumed... 🙂 SPIKE...
    You may notice a couple things usually the coin will continue up to around something similar to this...
    It rolls from .00000000745 to .0000000123
    Then you may notice something a bit odd...its not odd its exponents of 10...
    When you are at the smaller or more zero number at 7 as show the points are the left number right of the last zero...
    So 7 and to move to 8 is a full point...
    Now we look at the 123 number now the second number will actually flip like the first digit did on the scale below...
    The number 2 will act like the number 1 used to on the higher scale up make sense...?
    What does that mean in English ?
    It means that when you were in the 7s the 7 8 and 9 points were full points...when you eat a zero that number moves over one slot to the right so now the same flips of the points 7 8 9 and so are are going to be the second coin up a level or scale and now the 2 will change just like the 7,8,9s in about the same speed and results of gains and losses from sell offs...
    Here is why this is important...well to me anyhow...
    In a lot of major coins or lets say lower zeros in front so a higher coin value per coin then it is not uncommon for example Shib trading at 5 zeros...
    When it ate the zeero and dropped down to 4 zeros 123
    .0000123 you may see a double eat of the same zero...
    Usually the coin will surpass the zero slightly like it tested and decided the volume was there so it ticked up...
    You may or should see numbers like this...
    .0000123 then .0000133 then possibly even 1600 then it should dip unless its a wave like 20 million users getting access to an exchange listing where there is going to be spikes...
    Then you will see the price dip below regaining the zero a tad and then it should rebound and rise up and over ...
    Now here is what it means and why we target coins on the 9, 10 and 11 zero range...
    When a coin goes from new Brand new...
    Lets say it starts at .000000000001 and you buy in at .00000000000423
    For that coin to eat its first zero it needs about 200 or 250 wallets holding what an average investor may invest...
    (Work this number loosely Please)
    Now its at 10 zeros and to double the volume would mean it eats another zero so around 500 wallets or so...
    Next to go to 9 zeros it will need around 1000 wallets give or take...and so on
    Like I stated each time you round the corner and are sitting in the 1s on the next scale so .9 zeros .000000000121
    then the second digit is the last scale rise per points remains the same...
    Now as the coin approaches 3,4 and 5 and even 6 in the middle of the scale you may notice the hardest part of climbing up in the bottom of the new scale...
    Like I just stated 3-4-5-6 hell even possibly 7 I say bottom of seven...
    What is he talking about...?
    I am talking about you will see it consolidate and build and move very slowly look at shiba right now...
    Hung up at the bottom thats because while the growth was there to eat a zero, but it wasnt as much to take mid scale...thats a lot of volume required...
    Basically it would be 1 for the previous scale and at ;east .5 of the new scale in volume...
    Now once the coin hits 5 or mid scale the volume is there and then it takes smaller amounts to move the left digit now and the tenths column from last scale is now ticking like a gas pump price ticking like nothing as it gets closer to the high end just about to eat another zero now its just waiting for a little more volume to tip it over then repeats and the second digit becomes the old first and the new number seems to take a lot more to move in effect It absolutely does...
    SO you see it eat the zero...its a low price or cost more than the 9 10 11 zero coins we deal with...
    Say its 7 zeros or 5 zeros even tougher...
    That means if you see it bounce up to 12 13 14 15 or even .0000016 it probably will dip to below zero again and then drop the zero and then tick up a little higher...
    This means that if you have a few grand not hundreds...
    You can sell off at the spike high around .000015 or 16 in the example I provided...
    Then wait for the dip below zero...
    Buy back in increasing not only the coins held by you but also increasing the overall value... of your coins...
    Or, you can just sit and watch and be happy saving gas fees and not playing around it also should regain and then continue up...
    Kinda why we select good coins as best we can for long term investments...
    My three favorites in order are as follows...
    Shiba is last...but its also the biggest and moves slower now than previously...because of the volumes I just explained...
    Shiba has Shibs which should be used as the payment token like ETH is for gas fees in the Shibarium Network which will run beside ETH and Bitcoins and BNB...
    Shiba has a Swap option to exchange one coin for other types of coins... usually within the network such as ERC20 or the ethereum network... Think Verizon...
    for BNB think Sprint...
    For Bitcoin think At and T...simple as that...
    They also plan on developing a wallet at some point...
    They also have lease as a high end investment token...
    and also Bones which is a governance token (means you get to vote like a stock holder on future of coin and plans starting in Jan for the coin path forward...
    Lots of potential not the most perfessional kinda like the Garage band I reference in the coin world yea they make music yea its a great show...
    Yes they could have more involved and make it more professional but they pack the house crank tunes and in the end you hear music...
    Its a great long term investment...
    When people ask me who are just starting out or only using minimal amounts to get going...
    I suggest Shiba its a solid growth coin and in time does make nice and routine gains...its a safe investment if they hold long enough they will earn more money and thats what its all about...
    Saitama A bit more professionally put together...
    Plans include a wallet that is in beta testing right now and plans are already to launch at the MGM grand in Vegas on Nov 13th...
    Thats soon... So be ready...
    A Tesla is being given away during the launch announcement with some other great details...
    They have a nice plan to build an exchange a wallet a possible Credit card debit card using saitama...
    They are moving for Google pay and apple pay pay pal and banking options for the exchange ...
    The wallet is pretty cool looking and top of the line from reports from beta testers so far that everyone will want to use this wallet...
    They also sent it to mostly new investors to see how well they navigate and find ease in use and functions...
    The development team is a lot more professional in appearance and in design promotions and marketing the More established rock band at this point early scorpions...
    Pretty solid foundation no rush they want to get things right and they also dont hide their identity and also hold weekly zoom calls we all can participate in and watch live fridays at 10 am est... I think est...could be central time its close... Shib we arent sure even who built it...🙂
    So a better log term coin with higher growth potential than shiba at this point neither a bad investment just saitama is going to be eating a lot of zeros at 8 zeros deep...then it will do the exact same thing and slow way down and then its a holders game...
    Next we have Arch Angel...
    A spin off from baby saitama which was a rug pull and I thought still was now im confused so I dropped in 500 to watch it ...Im not convinced either way I see some sell offs and I also see gains so be careful but thats what all this is anyhow...I take the risk so you dont have to...
    Arch Angel is a good solid fundamentally solid coin representing solutions for crypto currencies and the communities and reaching to real world solutions...
    Its at 9 zeros and eating them as I type this...
    It promises to solve issues that are involved with crypto like crazy high gas fees...
    Promotion of new coins with security checks in place and promotions...
    The website is one of the most professional appearing sites I have seen to date...
    The graphics are top notch...
    and the Utility that most coins strive to find this coin nailed I think it could actually be the best coiin in the bag for now and reaching well into the future of they do this right...
    They also claim to have a team of 500 professionals all working to achieve the long term goals...
    Higher risk since its so new...
    Higher pay offs since so many zeros to drop...
    So everytime (Usually ) you see a coin eat or drop a zero...
    You can just about bet it will dip after a day or so from the 1111s and 161s and so on to below zero and then it will surge upwards again...
    Then the ticks of the points will actually shift over to the second number till mid scale then it will kinda switch to main or primary number will start increasing again like the second digit did in past...
    then as we get close to 9s it slows down in most cases unless your spiking due to chatter and reactions...
    Ok I hope you get through that and gain a little better understanding about how and why we drop or eat zeros and why that is a good thing and also in the lower valued coins dont try to sell and re buy in you may lose the process because the volume isnt as much with less wallets...
    I am trying to get that into context for you...
    watch and the lights will click opn at the right times...
    for now file with information as a whole...
  10.  Four Levels of Grouping for coins
    1) Premier or Gold Standard...
    2) Second Rate Silver Standard...
    3) Third Rate or Bronze Standard...
    4) Fourth Class Honorable Mention...
    1) Gold Standard
    You would bet your mothers Teeth on this coin and
    tell your wife to be quite kinda belief in this coin...
    You will hold forever...
    2) Second Rate
    This one you can sleep at night but
    you arent so sure its a Gold Standard Coin
    at this time or a lemon...
    3) Third Rate
    You dont turn your back on the coin but
    you will use it for short gains...
    4) Fourth Class Honarobale Mention
    Nope not a Chance Dont like it Hate it
    dont want nothing to do with it...
    I think that covers that...
    Now hopefully you can form and idea
    So Four Levels of Grouping for coins
    1) Premier or Gold Standard...
    2) Second Rate Silver Standard...
    3) Third Rate or Bronze Standard...
    4) Fourth Class Honorable Mention...
    1) Gold Standard
    You would bet your mothers Teeth on this coin and
    tell your wife to be quite kinda belief in this coin...
    You will hold forever...
    2) Second Rate
    This one you can sleep at night but
    you arent so sure its a Gold Standard Coin
    at this time or a lemon...
    3) Third Rate
    You dont turn your back on the coin but
    you will use it for short gains
    4) Fourth Class Honarobale Mention
    Nope not a Chance Dont like it Hate it
    dont want nothing to do with it...
    I think that covers that...
    Now hopefully you can form and idea
    of where you feel best with your money
    and when you will take risk
    or just sit back and enjoy the peace and
    quite and let things just flow all natural and shit...
    of where you feel best with your money
    and when you will take risk
    or just sit back and enjoy the peace and
    quite and let things just flow all natural and shit...
  11. A bit of Insight...
    No Im not bragging
    I believe in these coins... and Im trying to get that across and its easier in a pic plus I really dont give a shit...
    Its a public address just like yours people could see the wallet they cant do anything with it except see...who cares...
    Ok So Top three Crypto Investments in this order to me...
    As far as The Future...
    Longevity and overall performance ...
    Right Now I believe the Top Spot switched from Shib to Saitama...
    I believe Shib is gonna slow down a bit after robing hood wallet announcement but will spike nicely then settle then its a long haul moving forward ...
    Where I think Saitama will move into the top slot as far as we are concerned...
    Plus the wallet they are releasing on NOV 13th Just may hedge out Shib and Robin Hood...
    New coin Rising up
    Too early to determine Invested 400 now 1100 in a week...
    Mononokee is way up for me that was 85 bucks with 300 added for a total of 385... It isnt anymore...
    Two weeks I have held it total.
    High Risk But still can make money watch close pay attention...
    Lastly here is the View from where im sitting...
    As you can tell I have 25 yes 25 not 20 in Arch it dipped...Of course... LOL
    Ok So I see Archa coming up and its down an additional zero... which means the price is ten times cheaper for now...
    per Trillion or any quantity you get ten times the coins then you will once it moves up a scale...
    Saitama Is releasing Wallet Nov 13th...
    Make money in Archa split some over to build up my Saitama...
    Hopefully their wallet releases prior to Robins Hoods wallet...Featuring Shib...
    So I can gain Slide over Gain and then Slide over again...
    Then step back and look after the 3 months dust settles...
    I can tell you gonna be a Hell of a Ride...
    I started adding my kids in to my portfolio...
    Like I tell them I see it in my head but to them looks the same as always... a mess...
    So I mostly moved all but 100 bucks in gen to Archa...
    Leaving 2500-3 grand in saitama which is down a tad...
    It is the weekend folks never know whats gonna happen usually slow and slight dippage... 🙂
    I saw Shib Spiking, but I figure
    Maybe correctly Robin hood is still over a month away as long as Im right about that this all lines up...
    If Im wrong, I jump over some at last minute and just drop some in and let it go...
    When I jump from Arch to Saitama it would be really awesome if in the next two weeks I could make another 20 grand and sit it in Saitama then the wallet gets released the Tesla giveaway happens in Las Vegas Live Nov 13th...
    And then I make some more nice money and sit about 15-20 into Shiba...
    Then like I said after the dust all settles we step back and get things sorted out...
    So thats my approach I have a little in each so its not the end of the world if it is what it is either...
    Good luck folks cause this next spell till new yrs is gonna be one hell of a ride...
    And your about to see why YOU HODL so long before skimming the real gains havent even started yet ...
    Let s say there are 4 levels of Gains...
    Level I Gains... Common Normal everyday Gains...
    I put in a 100 and I made 400 kinda at the top of this range now...
    Level II 10 Times Gains... Better than Average, Excited Gains...
    Holy shit is this real ? This cant be real...
    How can I be making this kinda money this easy Gains...
    100= 3100 now...give or take ...
    Level III Gains... Holy Mother of God...Gains...
    I think Im buying a few vehicles and a Nice Farm Gains
    You still are in a sort of Shock, but You have now accepted your new found wealth,
    and the fact that Mark is now one of your closest friends in the entire world and your gonna need to show some love...
    Hes had a rough go of things... 🙂
    Level IV Gains... Ludicrous Gains...
    You no longer even have any common sense left...
    Your a bubbly person bouncing all over without a care in the world...
    DONT OD... all im saying...
    We didnt work this hard to get you loaded so you could off yourself like and idiot...
    Please Dont buy Helicopters or Small planes or ultra lights and die...
    Try to still kinda be normal...
    But Yes you know could buy a small country or island and create your own Jeep Cult of investors at the Nudist part of Your private Island... I kid you not...
    This is all Possible the only thing stopping you is Money and YOU...
    Good luck...
    As the moth evolves into a Giant beautiful Butterfly...
    Thats Gay...
    The kitten became a Lion... Yea That...
    Also if I trust it enough to tell You to invest
    I think you see why I dont mind sharing the wallet...cant wait till it hits 100,000 and shit...
    We are all in this together...
    Good luck enjoy your sunday Ill be here all yr and Il be adding clips of spikes as they occur... 🙂
    Stay Tuned...
  12. You can buy and own and even hold onto at the Coinbase Exchange.

    You can see the charts there and decide if this is what you want to do...

    The coin I remember back from around 38 cents and it like Ren likes the 1 dollar and up area and will over time grow to be more...

    For our big dollars we search elsewhere for a long term investment I cant say its a bad coin at all I have made money off this coin...

  13. image.png


    Shib can now be bought directly off the coinbase exchange and you do not have to swap or pay high ethereum cost to purchase and own...and you can send to a wallet but you will have to pay to send back... to cash out... I would just keep it in the exchange if I werent trading the way I do...


    People who own shib are part of the Shiba Army...

    You can register at reddit boards and read everything I do to learn what I have or you can trust me a bit because I research whatever makes ya happy...


  14. And welcome Back Asshole...

    Here he goes again...right...

    Here is a funny thought...
    All the world waits for this rich ass hole to speak and look what he does and he knows the little guys are trying to come up so what does he do...
    Well he doesnt help things instead he sinks the ship with a vengeance....
    Elon send s a Crippling Tweet...

    Musk Sends Bitcoin Tumbling With Shock U-Turn on Payments

  15. Number 1 if your reading this Good for you because I almost got out and kept my day Job...

    But I didnt so.

    First Time I bought in was Jan of 2021 and within hours Bitcoin suffered the largest single loss in its history of over 9 yrs...

    I used Ren and Cartesi and such to help build back up a little and took a 400 buck loss and got out of bot coin...


    within 2 months I decide Ill buy Botcoin Cash instead its cheaper and I could own over a full coin...

    (now Im dealing in Trillions of a coin 🙂 )

    Within 2 days second biggest dip in Bitcoin History...

    I got in for ride alongs and sold off at tops a couple times but no more holding and waiting and playing Bitcoin for me...


    I Sell off some of the 6000 I made off 4000 invested and managed to just survive long enough to start earning paychecks again from my real job in May...

    I see this... Hell I posted it...


    May 12th 2021

    Ren Down
    Bitcoin Down
    Basically there is a lot of crypto down for a short hit...
    Watch what happens leading into the weekend..
    Tides have been shifting lately on peak buying and selling lately...
    Im going to load up on REN, Steller Lumines whatever you spell it like...
    even bitcoin is at 50 ...
    And at the time I buy back in Friday...
    Ill be using coin base and any that are -20 or more Im loading up to the hilt on...
    Watch me this weekend...
    See if I can break that last run of bad luck...
    That was the Largest set back In crypto History across the board...
    Lasted for months...Bitcoin tanked down to 29,000 and bumped there for almost three months rising only to fall right back down...
    A lot of money was made and lost...
    Now I help others learn to do what I do and my friends and we all are making easy money after the initial risk and we see
    4 - 5 times  in gains and we know soon we will really be making stupid money...
    Its not short term in most cases But we are going to cut off yrs of investments and holding and pumping and buying dips...
    We are going to find coins invest add a little more when we see movement then hold on if it keeps rising no worries But the coins I pick will peak a lot sooner than the other half of the investing spectrum where 90% of the investors invest...
    Not us were down here at the opening listings of coins buying trillions for 10 and 100 bucks sometimes even as low as 5 bucks a trillion...
    Then wait a few months and you should be in tens of thousands and in less than 10 months give or take in the 100 thousand range... right now we are only in about two months with our group now and the coins we have and things are starting to pop for member with some showing gains on a 1000 investment in a month being at 7100 and rising more...
    Now once that hits a full ten times it jumps and then its a 100 times when it reaches the next scale...and so on...

    Stay Tuned ...

    So much more to follow... 🙂